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Our company FERRIT TECHNOLOGY AFRICA was founded through the international cooperation between the South African company JA Engineering and the Czech company FERRIT. It began in 2024 and has gradually developed from an initial idea into a strong partnership.

Together JA Engineering and FERRIT form a dynamic partnership that draws on more than 30 years of engineering excellence and breakthrough innovation.

This is a unique strategic partnership between two OEM companies that complement each other very well in terms of business and products and together offer solutions for all types of underground operations.

FERRIT TECHNOLOGY AFRICA represents the bond between two companies and acts as a dealer of the machines on the African market.

JA Engineering is the local South African manufacturer of FERRIT machines under licence and as a service organisation providing warranty, after-sales service and spare parts delivery to customers.

FERRIT is an OEM manufacturer of mining equipment for ore and coal mines and a know-how provider.

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Contact Person

CEO: Matimba Mahange

Mobile: +27 84 802 0089


Head Office


60 Atlas Road, Anderbolt, Boksburg, South Africa